Re: [Officers] National First Aid & Home Nursing Competition 2008Monday, 14 July, 2008 11:13 PM
Hello to all,
(Sarizan or Simon, can you pls forward this mail also to the cadets who
attended the comp)
Its your Zone Commissioner here live from Malaysia @ KL. First, I would
like to apologise for not able to be present at the National Comp
Presentation. Believe me, i really wish i was there. I really sorry abt it
as i have to attend a international healthcare conference on behalf of my
hospital in KL and will be back only on thurs.
I would like to extend my sincere congrats to all the teams who had done
very super well for this comp, in particular to the champion teams. You
have done us proud in the Zone 3 way. As what i've shared with you
previously, you have the spirit and attitude of a winning team, you just
have to show the confidence to others.
I look forward to give my personal congrats when i'm back this weekend.
Once again, well done.
I love you all, have a good day
Derek Tan
Zone 3 Commissioner
SJAB, Singapore